Court Reinstates Wash. Teacher's Claim of Retaliatory Discrimination
March 24, 2011
- opinion
SEATTLE - A Washington teacher raised sufficient questions about a school district's efforts to accommodate her susceptibility to mold and other irritants and her subsequent termination to prevail on the district's motion for summary judgment, a Washington appellate court has ruled. Frisino v. Seattle School District No. 1, No. 63994-3-1 (Wash. Ct. App., Div. 1).
The Washington Court of Appeals on March 21 reversed a decision in favor of Seattle School District No. 1 and reinstated Denise Frisino's employment discrimination claim.
Frisino first complained of health problems in the 1999-2000 school year and school officials responded by installing filters, mopping …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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