R.I. Courts Resolve 'Windstorm' Deductible Dispute in Insured's Favor

  • Opinion

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - A "windstorm or hail" deductible that would otherwise preclude coverage doesn't apply to roof and water damage that occurred in an apartment complex during a blizzard, Rhode Island's Supreme Court has affirmed. Bliss Mine Road Condominium Association v. Nationwide Property and Casualty Insurance Co., No. 20009-33-Appeal (R.I. Sup. Ct.).

The high court ruled that, given the evidence offered by plaintiff and defense witnesses, a reasonable jury could not come to any other conclusion than that the windstorm deductible as defined in the policy did not apply.

Bliss Mine Road Condominium Association sought coverage under a property …


HarrisMartin's MDL Conference

March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel


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