S.C. Appellate Court Hears Arguments in Appeals of 2 Mold-Related Cases
November 23, 2010
CHARLESTON, S.C. - The South Carolina Court of Appeals heard argument in two mold-related appeals on Nov. 3, with appellants in one case asking the court to overturn a verdict and in another case arguing for workers compensation benefits.
The court did not indicate in either case when they would hand down a decision.
In the first appeal, Dania and Daniella Winters contend that the trial court erred in ordering a new trial because of an improper jury instruction, which defendants did not object to at the time it was given (Winters v. Fiddie, et al., No. 17816, S.C. …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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