Calif. Court May reconsider Privilege Defense to Defamation Claim
January 7, 2010
SAN DIEGO - A California appellate court considering a mold activist's appeal of a civil judgment for defamation of an expert toxicologist and author said in a recent filing that it will reconsider the issue of a privilege defense. Kelman v. Kramer, No. D054496 (Calif. Ct. App., 4th Dist.).
The Fourth Appellate District said Dec. 29 that it would review whether it is precluded by its November 2006 opinion of reconsidering the anti-SLAPP defense (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) raised by defendant Sharon Kramer who was found by a jury to have defamed Bruce J. Kelman, Ph.D. (See HarrisMartin's Columns: …

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April 08, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
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