Va. Plaintiffs to Appeal Reduction of $4.75 Million Verdict
July 21, 2009
- Judgment
- Opinion
LEESBURG, Va. - Plaintiffs whose $4.75 million mold verdict was reduced to $1.4 million by the trial court have indicated that they will petition the Virginia Supreme Court to reinstate the jury verdict. Meng v. The Drees Co., No. 46450 (Va. Cir. Ct., Loudoun Cty.).
Plaintiffs Paul and Wendy Meng accepted the remittitur subject to appeal.
In December 2008, a Virginia state court jury awarded $4.75 million for what the Mengs claimed were debilitating mold-related illnesses caused by construction defects in their $900,000 home (See HarrisMartin's Columns: Mold, Jan. 2009).
The couple charged that The Drees Co., which built they …

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