Court Declines to Order Association to Share Insurance Proceeds with Owner
February 3, 2009
- Opinion
LOS ANGELES - A California appellate court has affirmed a decision allowing a homeowners' association to refuse to share insurance proceeds allocated for unit repairs with an owner who, testing showed, did not experience mold contamination from water leaks. <i.Montecito Condominium Homeowner's Association v. Rahmanizad, No. B1994493 (Calif. Ct. App., 2nd Dist.).
The unpublished Jan. 23 opinion by California's Second Appellate District affirmed the ruling by the Los Angeles County Superior Court on behalf of the Montecito Condominium Homeowner's Association.
Units operated by Montecito were damaged by a water leak in the unit above that of defendant Hershel Rahmanizad …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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