Experts are calling mold the fastest-growing practice area of toxic tort and construction defect litigation. Some are even calling it "the new asbestos." HarrisMartin's Mold guides you through this emerging practice area with front line legal news, expert commentary, and medical findings you can't get from any other source... and can't afford to be without!
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Mold - Issue: 8
Mold - Issue: 9
Tenant Suing Apartment Complex for Mold-Ridden Lodgings May Not Add Wiretapping Motion
Mold - Issue: 8
Mold - Issue: 9
'Defective Workmanship'/'Wear and Tear' Clauses Do Not Exclude Coverage of Mold-Contaminated Air, Plaintiffs Argue
Mold - Issue: 8
Insurance Coverage for Mold-Related Claims: A Critical Analysis of Potential Insurer Defenses Under Third-Party and First-Party Policies
Laboratory Data and Its Interpretation: What the Mold Lawyer Needs to Know About How Laboratories Work
Mold - Issue: 9
Couple Sues Real Estate Agent and Others for Not Disclosing the Presence of Mold in Home