Johnson & Johnson Opposes Motion for Protective Order, Backs Efforts to Obtain Moline Documents

  • Opposition

TRENTON, N.J. –– Johnson & Johnson has filed an opposition brief to a motion for protective order filed by the employer of Jacqueline Moline, M.D., contending that it believes some of the subjects in her articles are talc litigation plaintiffs who were exposed to asbestos from non-talc sources.

In a Jan. 22 brief filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, the defendant maintained that the information it seeks contains “highly relevant, non-confidential information which would be no burden to produce.”

“The only reason the PSC wants to block the subpoena is because the information damages …


HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference

September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel in Lyric Ballroom C


HarrisMartin's Midwest Asbestos Litigation Conference

September 27, 2024 - St. Louis, MO
Four Seasons Hotel, St. Louis