Hot on the heels of separate $72 million and $55 million verdicts entered against Johnson & Johnson defendants, HarrisMartin has launched this Talcum Powder Litigation Report, an online-only resource dedicated solely to news on talc-based powder ovarian cancer claims.
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Talcum Powder Litigation Report - Issue: 12
Calif. Court Oversees ‘Science Day’ in Talcum Powder Docket One Day After J&J Opposes Broadcast of Hearing
N.J. State Court Refuses to Dismiss Talc Case Without Prejudice, Says Plaintiff Has ‘Buyer’s Remorse’
Parties Submit Report from Meet and Confer in Talc MDL; Updates Include Protective Order, ESI Protocol and Plaintiff Fact Sheets
Talcum Powder MDL Court Asks Plaintiffs to Respond to Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction
Appeal of $72 Million Talcum Powder Verdict Placed on May Docket in Missouri Appellate Court
Mo. Lacks Personal Jurisdiction Over Railroad in Personal Injury Action, State High Court Rules
Jury Reaches Defense Verdict for Talcum Powder Defendants in Missouri State Court Trial