Hot on the heels of separate $72 million and $55 million verdicts entered against Johnson & Johnson defendants, HarrisMartin has launched this Talcum Powder Litigation Report, an online-only resource dedicated solely to news on talc-based powder ovarian cancer claims.
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Talcum Powder Litigation Report - Issue: 05
Nearly 190 Talcum Powder Cases Now Pending in New Jersey; First Case Still Slated for October Trial
Defendants Remove 2 Talcum Powder Complaints to Federal Court; Third Filed in Illinois Federal Court
Georgia Court Agrees to Stay Talcum Powder Case in Part; Allows Parties to Take Plaintiff’s Deposition
N.J. Court Grants Talc Plaintiffs Leave to File Motion to Compel Hospital to Produce Tissue Blocks
Plaintiffs Oppose Creation of Talcum Powder MDL Docket; J&J Supports Coordinated Docket, Suggests New Jersey Court