Plastic Surgery Practice Fired Former General Counsel After COVID-19 Diagnosis, Lawsuit Says

  • Complaint

NEW YORK — A New York plastic surgery practice’s general counsel filed a discrimination lawsuit alleging he was furloughed while being hospitalized with COVID-19 and later terminated for good while suffering from “long-haul” symptoms of the virus.

In a June 2 complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Scott Edelman alleges that while Aristocrat Plastic Surgery P.C. (APS) and its owner, Kayvon Tehrani, furloughed some employees during the pandemic, Tehrani decided to keep on several APS employees with responsibilities overseen by Edelman. But with Edelman in the hospital, Tehrani excluded him, the lawsuit …


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October 25, 2024 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach


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September 25, 2024 - Nashville, TN
Hutton Hotel