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Reinsurance & Arbitration - Issue: 112
Calif. Law Bars Arbitration of Coverage Dispute Due to Risk of Conflicting Rulings, Appellate Court Says
"Discoverability of Communications with Reinsurers in Bad Faith Cases," by Robert M. Hall
Workers’ Comp Reinsurance Dispute Not Arbitrable Under Nebraska Law, 1st Cir. Affirms
Defendant in Beechwood Re/Platinum Partners Reinsurance Trust Case Seeks Arbitration
Reinsurers Must Bring Legal Malpractice Action in Own Names, Ill. Appellate Court Affirms
Ill. Federal Judge Dismisses Rehabilitator’s Lawsuit Against Mortgage Reinsurer; Grants Leave to Amend
Insurer’s Transfer of 401(k) Assets Via Reinsurance Transaction Not Improper, Ill. Federal Judge Rules