Benzene Defendants Oppose Motion to Exclude Asbestos-Related Litigation Testimony
July 14, 2005
- Opposition
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Chevron is opposing a motion in limine which seeks to preclude testimony relating to plaintiff's former involvement in asbestos. Hooper v. Bridgestone/Firestone, et al., No. RG04171297 (Calif. Super. Ct., Alameda Cty.).
In the July 12 opposition filed in the California Superior Court for Alameda County, Chevron stresses that the testimony addressing the asbestos-related litigation aids the defense argument that the benzene plaintiff's claims are time-barred.
According to the opposition, plaintiff Dale Hooper has moved to preclude questions relating his asbestos-related litigation.
Chevron objects to Hooper's reliance on Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery (2005 35 Cal.4th 797), stating that …