HarrisMartin's Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation Report will track recent developments in litigation stemming from exposure to benzene, as well as a number of other emerging areas of toxic tort litigation, such as talc, silica, pesticides and other chemical exposures.
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Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 192
Ky. Appellate Court Affirms Order Denying Class Certification in Coal Dust Exposure Suit
Groups in Water Contamination MDL Docket Exchange Letters on Case Management Order
Parties in C-8 Water Contamination MDL Exchange Briefing on Discovery Dispute Regarding Allocation Between DuPont and Chemours
Parties in Roundup MDL Docket File Case Management Statement, Say Nearly 2,000 Cases Not Subject to MSA
Calif. Court Rejects Efforts to Toss Insurance Claims Relating to Benzene Workers’ Compensation Claim
Md. Court Tosses Breach of Warranty Claim in Benzene Case; Allows Plaintiff to Amend Punitive Damage Cause of Action
N.C. Court Rejects Radiator Specialty’s Appeal in Insurance Coverage Dispute Involving Asbestos, Benzene Claims