HarrisMartin's Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation Report will track recent developments in litigation stemming from exposure to benzene, as well as a number of other emerging areas of toxic tort litigation, such as talc, silica, pesticides and other chemical exposures.
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Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 175
Benzene Exposure Case Settles on Eve of Trial, Bringing Settlement Total to $6.3 Million
Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 174
Plaintiff Counsel in Roundup MDL Case Appeal Orders Sanctioning Trial Team Members
Defendant Named in Butter Flavorings Suits Says Complaints Lack Specificity Despite Repeated Amendments
New Complaint Says Exposure to Benzene in Jet Fuel Caused Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasm
Monsanto Backs Post-Trial Motion Contesting $80 Million Roundup Verdict, Calls Punitive Damages ‘Extraordinary’
C-8 MDL Court Selects 6 Cases for First Joint Trial Group, Says Trial Will Take Place in June 2020
New Benzene Complaint in Louisiana Contends In Utero Exposure Led to Minor’s Development of AML
Del. Court Weighs in on Admissibility of Experts in Roundup Cases, Says Monsanto Not Entitled to Summary Judgment