HarrisMartin's Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation Report will track recent developments in litigation stemming from exposure to benzene, as well as a number of other emerging areas of toxic tort litigation, such as talc, silica, pesticides and other chemical exposures.
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Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 143
Defendants File Brief in Appeal of $1.76 Million Judgment Entered for Benzene Plaintiff
Defendants Back Removal of Benzene Suit, Say LPLA is Exclusive Remedy for Claims Against Non-Manufacturer Seller
Pa. Benzene Plaintiffs Move to Remand Case, Say Defendants Haven’t Established Actions Were Controlled by U.S. Government
Mass. Town Files PFOA Lawsuit, Says Foam Used in Fire Drills Contaminated Drinking Water
Benzene & Emerging Toxic Torts Litigation - Issue: 142
C-8 MDL Court Rejects Plaintiff Requests for Protective Order on Discovery Regarding Expert
C-8 MDL Court Schedules 10 Trials in 4 Different Locations Before 10 Different Judges