August 13, 2001
Court: Ore. Cir. Ct., Multnomah Cty. Case Name: Emrick v. AC&S, Inc., et al. Docket No.: 0002-02019 Alleged Injury: Mesothelioma Verdict: Defense Plaintiffs' Experts: Arnold Brody, Ph.D., pathologist; Kenneth Cohen, industrial hygienist; Richard Hatfield, dust sampling; William Longo, Ph.D., electron microscopist; James Milette, Ph.D., state of the art; Samuel Hammar, M.D., pathologist; Allan Smith, epidemiologist. Defense Experts: James Crapo, M.D., pulmonologist; Victorrio Argento, Ph.D., industrial hygienist; John Craighead, M.D., pathologist. Reported By HM: Jan., p.11
HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference
January 10, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach