Law Firms Drop Request to Redact Firm’s Identities in NARCO Bankruptcy Proceedings
May 10, 2022
- Honeywell Response
- Insurer Response
- Motion
- NARCO Response
- Withdrawal Motion
PITTSBURGH –– Law firms seeking a court order that would mandate the redaction of the identity of claimant law firms in the bankruptcy proceedings of The North American Refractories Company (NARCO) have dropped their request, according to a recent notice.
In a May 3 notice filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the group withdrew the portion of their motion “seeking to preclude the filing of documents, or admission at trial of evidence, containing identifying information regarding law firms that represent individual claimants.”
In the same notice, the group did note, however, that it maintained …

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June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
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