Ill. Court Grants Alfa Laval’s Motion to Dismiss Asbestos Action on Jurisdiction Grounds

  • Opinion

CHICAGO –– An Illinois federal court has granted Alfa Laval Inc.’s motion to dismiss asbestos claims asserted against the company on jurisdiction grounds, concluding that the plaintiffs had “failed to show an affiliation between Illinois and the underlying controversy.”

In the April 11 order, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois concluded that it was clear that the plaintiff was not exposed to the defendant’s product in Illinois.

Plaintiffs George and Vicki Lishman filed the underlying complaint against Alfa Laval Inc., contending that George Lishman’s mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos-containing products he encountered during his …


HarrisMartin's MDL Conference

March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel


HarrisMartin's Data Breach Litigation Conference

March 26, 2025 - Charlotte, NC
Omni Charlotte Hotel