N.Y. Court Amends Order Reinstating Punitive Damage Claim in Asbestos Case to Correctly Identify Defendants
September 17, 2019
- Amended Order
NEW YORK –– A New York trial court has amended an order reinstating a punitive damages claim in an asbestos case after it erroneously named a defendant against which the claim should not have been reinstated.
In the Aug. 1 order, the New York Supreme Court for New York County corrected an earlier order to mention Kohler Co. and Pfizer as the defendants involved in the matter, and not Domco Products of Texas Inc., as the initial order had stated. In fact, in a separate order, the court dismissed the punitive damage claim against Domco. See related story in this …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
The Westin Buffalo