Texas Judge Admits Fiber Burden Study Conducted by Ron Gordon, Ph.D.

  • Motion
  • Response

HOUSTON -- The judge overseeing the Texas Multidistrict Asbestos Litigation has denied a motion to strike the testimony of Ron Gordon, Ph.D., rejecting defense allegations that the expert's fiber burden analysis study contained "extreme flaws," sources told HarrisMartin. Torres, et al. v. Union Carbide Corp., et al., No. 2009-40915-ASB (Texas MDL).

Judge Mark Davidson reached his decision without comment on Feb. 8 after a five-hour admissibility hearing, sources said.

On Jan. 21, Garlock sought to strike the opinion that crocidolite was found in the plaintiff's lung tissue or, further, that such a finding could not be based in a …


HarrisMartin’s Artificial Stone Silicosis Epidemic Litigation Conference

January 10, 2025 - Long Beach, CA
The Westin Long Beach


HarrisMartin's New Jersey Asbestos Litigation Conference

February 27, 2025 - New Brunswick, NJ
Hyatt Regency New Brunswick