Fla. Court Grants Motion for Directed Verdict, Finds Fault with Causation
December 21, 2009
- Order
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- A Florida court has granted Pneumo Abex LLC's motion for a directed verdict in a secondhand, household exposure case, concluding that the plaintiffs had failed to establish both general and specific causation. Daly, et al. v. Arvinmeritor Inc., et al., No. 07-19211 (Fla. 17th Jud. Cir. Ct., Broward Cty.).
In its Nov. 30 order, the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court for Broward County specifically found fault with the causation testimony of Arthur Frank, M.D., Ph.D. and Barry Castleman, Ph.D.
The claims were asserted by Lynda and Michael Daly, who claimed that Lynda Daly's mesothelioma was caused …