Summary Judgment Affirmed For Manufacturer Defendants
February 19, 2009
- Opinion
PHILADELPHIA - The Pennsylvania Superior Court has affirmed summary judgment in favor of four asbestos manufacturer defendants, finding no genuine issue of fact as to whether a worker inhaled the fibers of any asbestos-containing product manufactured or sold by the defendants. Burger, et ux. v. Owens Illinois Inc., No. E04005/08 (Pa. Super.).
The court majority further affirmed that Pennsylvania's successor statute, 15 Pa. Civil Statute Annotated § 1929.1, bars the plaintiffs' claims against the sole Pennsylvania-based defendant, Crown Cork & Seal Co.
Jon Burger and his wife, Lois, sued Owens Illinois Inc., Crown Cork & Seal Company Inc., DAP …

HarrisMartin's Mass Tort Settlements Conference - Sponsored by Milestone
June 25, 2025 - Buffalo, NY
The Westin Buffalo