Asbestos is the source for more complete asbestos-related litigation news. Summaries of important decisions, verdicts and complaints are at the core of every issue, but this publication isn't simply a review of case law. We identify the critical trends and track important stories as they unfold, bringing you unique insights and valuable information.
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Asbestos - Issue: 209
Miss. Supreme Court: Defendant Wrongfully Barred from Seeking Setoff from Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts
Asbestos - Issue: 208
Del. Court Rejects Challenges to Order Finding Decedent’s Testimony Inadmissible in Asbestos Case
Parties in Federal Docket for Massachusetts Asbestos Cases File Motion to Establish Next Trial Group
Wash. Court Limits, Precludes Testimony of Several Experts in Asbestos Dryer Felt Exposure Suit
Kansas Court Rejects Objections to Order Disallowing Disclosure of Expert After Deadline in Asbestos Case
J&J Stock Holders File Federal Securities Class Action Complaint, Say Defendant Failed to Disclose Presence of Asbestos in Talc Products
Defendants in Asbestos Cosmetic Talc Case Say Suit Doesn’t Belong in Asbestos Docket, Seek Assignment to Complex Litigation Center
Ore. Court Refuses to Remand Asbestos Suit, Saying It Has ‘Reason to Doubt’ Plaintiff’s Second Waiver of Federal Claims