Asbestos is the source for more complete asbestos-related litigation news. Summaries of important decisions, verdicts and complaints are at the core of every issue, but this publication isn't simply a review of case law. We identify the critical trends and track important stories as they unfold, bringing you unique insights and valuable information.
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Asbestos - Issue: 157
Ill. Court Remand Asbestos Action, Says Removal was Untimely Since Defendant ‘Always Knew’ it Had Colorable Federal Defense
Ohio Appellate Court Affirms Administrative Dismissal of Lung Cancer Asbestos Case
Court Remands Asbestos Action; Rejects Argument that Plaintiff Needed to ID Vessel to Assert Jones Act Claims
Calif. Jury Awards $730,000 to Former Boilermaker, Ship Surveyor; Holds Asbestos Defendant Plant Insulation Co. 5 Percent Liable
W.Va. Court Upholds Benefits Award to Former Bayer Corp. Employee Asserting Asbestos Exposure
Pa. Court Remands Asbestos-Related Insurance Case, Finds No Evidence that Non-Diverse Defendant Fraudulent Joined
Asbestos - Issue: 156
Appellate Panel Says Wis. Trial Court ‘Erroneously Rewrote’ Asbestos Verdict in Favor of Plaintiffs
R.I. Court to Review Claim Forms Submitted with Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts; Will See if They Contain ‘Discoverable’ Information